[Automotive Accidents]


Denver Car Accident Injury

If you were injured in a car accident due to the actions of someone else, you deserve compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you can’t work due to your injuries, you need resources to get medical treatment and to pay your bills until you’re back on your feet.

The experienced Denver car accident lawyers at the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska understand what you’re going through. We can provide you with comprehensive legal representation that is tailored to your needs. We fight tirelessly to protect your rights and recover every dollar you deserve.

We offer a no-cost consultation and case evaluation for Denver car accident victims. We answer your questions and explain your options for pursing legal action. Contact us today to learn more.

Common Causes of Denver Car Accidents & Injuries

The car accident lawyers of Halepaska Law help clients who sustained injuries in single and multiple car accidents. Whether your crash involved a head-on, rear-end, or side-impact collision, we protect your legal rights and help you recover financial compensation from the party who caused your accident.

Some of the most common reasons for Denver car accidents include

  • Impaired driving

  • Reckless driving

  • Distracted driving

  • Negligence

  • Road hazards

  • Vehicle failure or defect

  • Trucks and busses

  • Failure to yield

When you trust us to handle your case, we will advocate for you and fight to recover the compensation you deserve.

Our team will investigate and document your claim, demonstrate liability, and calculate the full value of your damages so we can help you recover the maximum possible settlement.

How a Denver Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

When you trust Halepaska Law to represent you in your Denver car accident case, you will benefit from our knowledge and experience. We fight for our clients and handle every aspect of your case. This allows you to focus on your health and getting your life back on track.

Our aggressive, compassionate legal services include:

Investigating & Documenting Your Case

Our legal team will investigate your case and assemble evidence and documentation to support our determination of fault and liability. By documenting your case as thoroughly as possible, we will establish a strong position from which to negotiate a settlement for your damages.

Establishing the Value of Your Claim

We will identify and document all your economic and non-economic damages, to ensure you have the best chance of recovering the maximum value for your injuries and related losses.

Negotiating to Obtain the Maximum Compensation

We focus on getting the best possible results for you. We will negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance, emphasizing a quick resolution and the maximum possible compensation.

Dealing with the Insurance Company

We handle all settlement negotiation and communication with the insurance company, other lawyers, and related parties. This protects your rights and relieves you of the burden of dealing with complex details.

In addition, we assign two full-time staff members to your case and we are available by phone day and night. We tailor our approach and legal strategies to your needs and work to resolve your case as quickly as possible.

The personal injury lawyers of Halepaska Law understand what you are going through. We have resolved all types of car accidents for our clients and we will take the stress and pressure off your shoulders, getting you the medical attention you need right now.

Let us handle the details and get you the results you need. That leaves you free to focus on your recovery.

Establishing Fault & Proving Liability in Your Denver Car Accident Case

Our legal team will investigate your case and obtain crucial evidence to establish fault and prove liability for your damages. This may include:

  • Accident reports

  • Witness statements

  • Photos of the accident scene

  • Photos of your injuries

  • Medical records

  • Income and earnings records

Once we determine who had fault for your accident, we will demonstrate the following principles to establish liability.

Duty of care – the at-fault party had a legal obligation to look out for your well-being and to act in a reasonable way to protect you from undue harm

Breach of duty – the at-fault party failed to uphold their obligation and, through negligence, carelessness, or recklessness subjected you to harm

Causation – as a result of the at-fault party’s breach of duty, they caused your accident and injuries, making them liable for your damages

Actual damages – we will prove your actual damages by providing medical records, income statements, and other documentation to support your claim

We may call on experts in the medical field and other specialties to provide testimony about your prognosis, your ability to return to work, and the type of medical treatment and care you will need in the future.

Once we establish fault and liability, the last step in the process is establishing the value of your car accident claim. 

Identifying Damages & Calculating Your Car Accident Claim Value

The Halepaska Law team will calculate your claim’s value based on the physical, emotional, and financial damages you sustained. You may have the right to seek compensation for the following:

  • Medical treatment and care costs to date

  • Lost income and benefits to date

  • Vehicle repair costs

  • Pain and suffering

  • Lost life enjoyment

For injuries that require additional treatment or ongoing care, we will include the estimated value of your care as well as any projected future loss of income, benefits, opportunities, and earning capacity.

We will also include the value of any disability, disfigurement, and permanent damages you incurred as a result of your accident.

If a family member died due to their car accident injuries, we can assist you with a wrongful death action. Contact us to speak directly to a member of our compassionate legal team. You may be able to recover compensation for the victim’s funeral and burial expenses, your pain and suffering, loss of support and companionship, and other damages.

The Auto Injury Lawyer You Can Rely On

In Denver, auto injury attorney John D. Halepaska has assisted and represented many clients who were hurt in a car accident and wanted to file a claim for personal injury. He has in-depth knowledge of Colorado’s comparative negligence law, are equally negligent, a jury may award the injured person no damages. For instance, if you are injured but found to be 10% at fault in the car accident, you will not recover 10% of the total damages or losses you have filed. If you and the other party are equally negligent, you will end up with no compensation.

Insurance companies often argue that the injured person bears some of the faults in a car accident, and they refuse to pay accordingly. However, with our attorney on your side, you can rest assured knowing that a professional will efficiently argue on your behalf regardless of the legal defenses argued by the insurance company.

Let’s Talk About Your Case

Attorney John D. Halepaska and the rest of our team understand that each personal injury claim carries its own set of circumstances that must all be taken into consideration. We take the time to study your case and address all your questions and concerns. In fact, our firm is available 24/7 throughout the duration of your case. With our client-focused approach and a reputation for successful recoveries, you can rely on us to represent you.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation.



Have I got a case?

Let’s talk about it. Telephone our office to speak with a personal injury specialist.

How much will it cost me to bring a claim?

In most cases you will pay nothing at all whether your case is successful or not.

Is there a time limit?

Yes. In cases involving auto accidents, usually three years.  For all others, usually two years.  However, there are exceptions so now is the best time to act.

What are the exceptions?

In high risk or complex cases we may agree with you from the outset that a success fee of up to 25% may be charged. This will not be payable if your claim is unsuccessful.

Will I have to go to court?

Probably not. Most cases settle. We often need to issue court proceeding to move matters along but it is rare for a case to go all the way to trial.



Motorcycle Accidents