[Trucking Accidents]


Denver Trucking Accident Injury Lawyer

If you sustained injuries in a truck accident you didn’t cause, you deserve justice and fair financial compensation for your damages.

The injuries that result from commercial trucking accidents can be significant, requiring extensive medical treatment and potentially months away from work. If your medical bills have begun to pile up, or if you have no way to cover your living expenses while you’re off work, you need help now.

Contacting a Denver truck accident lawyer can provide you with the answers you need. The experienced personal injury attorneys of the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska understand what you’re going through. We offer a no-cost, no-obligation consultation for truck accident victims, so you can make the best choice for you and your future.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in Colorado

Although a semi-truck or tractor trailer crash can occur for almost any reason, some factors are more prevalent than others. In Colorado, truck-related collisions occur most often due to the following factors:

  • Excessive speed

  • Driver fatigue

  • Improper backing

  • Improper lane changes

  • Improper passing

  • Driver impairment

  • Tailgating

  • Failure to yield

Commercial truck drivers are not always at fault for injury accidents. In some cases, crashes occur due to factors such as:

  • Defective mechanical equipment

  • Faulty vehicle maintenance

  • Roadway obstructions

  • Improper traffic control

  • Insufficient roadway maintenance

No matter what the cause of your truck injury accident might have been, it is imperative that you contact a truck accident attorney as soon as possible. Evidence tends to disappear quickly and witness memories fade. The sooner your attorney can get to work on your case, the better your outcome could be.

Common Types of Injuries that Occur in Truck Accidents

The size and weight of commercial transportation vehicles make them hard to stop or control, especially under challenging road conditions. If the driver fails to act reasonably or if the equipment fails for some reason, the results can be catastrophic for victims in other vehicles.

Some of the most common types of injuries that truck accident victims experience are:

  • Fractured bones

  • Dislocated joints

  • Neck and back injuries

  • Spinal injuries

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

  • Internal injuries

  • Spontaneous amputation

Victims can be left with permanent disability or disfigurement and require a lifetime of care and medical treatment. Often, injuries can be life-threatening or even fatal.

If you lost a loved one due to a Colorado trucking accident, we can help you bring a legal claim for wrongful death. You may be entitled to recover compensation for the victim’s funeral expenses as well as your own loss of financial support, loss of companionship and emotional trauma.

Why You Need a Truck Accident Attorney on Your Side

Just like an auto accident, an accident involving a tractor-trailer or large commercial truck can drastically change your life. Whether you were injured by a tractor-trailer while traveling, or injured by a delivery truck on a city street in Denver, trucking injury lawyer John D. Halepaska will help you. With decades of legal experience, he knows how to investigate, manage, negotiate and litigate large truck accidents.

Finding an attorney with experience litigating accidents where tractor trailers or large trucks are involved is crucial. If you’ve been injured by a tractor-trailer or other commercial vehicle, you need an attorney with the knowledge and resources to analyze how the accident happened, what factors may have caused the accident, (driver fatigue, drugs and alcohol, improper loading, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation violations, negligent hiring and training, etc.) and then how to use that information to make sure you get the recovery you deserve.

The types of injuries that occur when you are injured by a tractor-trailer or other large truck can be catastrophic, even at low speeds. Those type of injuries may require a lifetime of care, and you need an attorney who knows how to analyze those injuries and properly attribute them to the accident.

Every case should be prepared as if litigation will be required, so you need an accident attorney experienced with litigating cases with tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, and other large commercial vehicles. Those vehicles operate under Federal Regulations, which often vary depending on the weight, type of cargo, and other factors. Thousands of commercial trucks are involved in crashes on federal and state roads, often due to reckless driving, but also because of carelessness on behalf of the companies employing the drivers. If you’ve been injured by a tractor-trailer or other large commercial vehicle, you need a law firm that knows and understands those regulations and how the failure to comply with those rules may have caused your accident.

Trucking companies and their insurers are not going to simply “do the right thing” and pay you fairly for your injuries out of a notion of goodwill or fairness. They will use every means possible to avoid responsibilities for your injuries. You need a personal injury lawyer that knows how to obtain the necessary information to prove your case, and has the skills and experience to put that information to work to get you the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Denver Truck Accident Attorney Today for Help

The fear and uncertainty you’re experiencing right now are both understandable and justified. If you’ve been wrongfully injured in a collision with a commercial vehicle, call the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska today.

Contact us now to schedule your free consultation and case analysis with one of our experienced Denver trucking accident lawyers.



Have I got a case?

Let’s talk about it. Telephone our office to speak with a personal injury specialist.

How much will it cost me to bring a claim?

In most cases you will pay nothing at all whether your case is successful or not.

Is there a time limit?

Yes. In cases involving auto accidents, usually three years.  For all others, usually two years.  However, there are exceptions so now is the best time to act.

What are the exceptions?

In high risk or complex cases we may agree with you from the outset that a success fee of up to 25% may be charged. This will not be payable if your claim is unsuccessful.

Will I have to go to court?

Probably not. Most cases settle. We often need to issue court proceeding to move matters along but it is rare for a case to go all the way to trial.



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