[Personal Injury]


Denver Personal Injury Lawyer

If the actions of another party caused you to suffer injuries, you deserve to be compensated for your damages.

Injury accidents can be devastating, leaving you with catastrophic injuries. In addition to the pain and suffering you must endure, your injuries could prevent you from going back to work. Victims are often left with no way to pay for their medical treatment or living expenses.

The fear and uncertainty you’re facing is understandable but someone must be held accountable. A Denver personal injury lawyer from the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska can help. We will fight to protect your legal rights and help you recover the compensation you deserve for your medical treatment, lost income, pain and suffering and more.

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

At the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska, we handle all types of Colorado personal injury cases. Some of the most common types of cases we handle for our clients include:

You can sustain serious or life-threatening injuries in a variety of ways – not all of them accidents. No matter what or who caused your injuries, the at-fault party may be liable for your physical, emotional and economic damages.

Our personal injury lawyers help clients get the justice they deserve. We fight tirelessly to recover the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and to hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions.

How We Calculate the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim

The value of your case will depend on the type of injuries you suffered and how they will affect your future. Based on the facts and details of your claim, you may be entitled to recover compensation for:

  • Emergency transport

  • Emergency treatment

  • Surgery costs and hospital bills

  • Imaging and medical testing

  • Prescription drugs

  • Assistive devices

  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation

  • Lost income and benefits

  • Pain and suffering

  • Emotional trauma

If you cannot return to work, or if your injuries prevent you from performing your regular job duties, your claim value could increase to include future lost income and compensation for diminished earning capacity. If you require future medical treatment or care, you may also have the right to recover compensation for your future medical care costs. You could also be entitled to compensation for diminished quality of life as well as for any permanent scarring, disfigurement or disability you sustained. 

How a Denver Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You

Although you are not required by law to have an attorney, an experienced personal injury lawyer can provide significant benefit.

When you chose the Law Offices of John D. Halepaska to assist you, you will have the benefit of our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience. We have a long track record of getting results for our clients and recovered many millions of dollars on their behalf.

We take a highly personalized approach, providing you with legal representation that is tailored to your individual needs. We limit the number of cases we take, allowing us to give you the time and attention you deserve. We believe that no client should ever be left wondering what’s going on with their claim. For that reason, we take a highly proactive approach to communication. We are there for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your questions and update you on the status of your case.

We are known in the industry for our fighting spirit and we work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome for you. We aren’t afraid to take on the big insurance companies or to fight for you in court, if necessary. Take a moment to review a few of our customer testimonials and you will see just how dedicated we are to getting justice and fair compensation for our clients.

Talk to a Denver Personal Injury Lawyer Today at No Cost

Time is of the essence if you have sustained injuries in an accident that wasn’t your fault. The Colorado statute of limitations provides only a short time in which you must take legal action. If you don’t act within the specified period, you could lose your legal right to recover compensation.

Before you provide a statement to the insurance company or agree to accept any settlement offer, take advantage of our no-cost, no-obligation consultation. We will answer your questions, explain your options and help you get started with the legal process.

Call us today at 303-228-7179 or contact us now to speak to one of our experienced Denver personal injury lawyers.



Have I got a case?

Let’s talk about it. Telephone our office to speak with a personal injury specialist.

How much will it cost me to bring a claim?

In most cases you will pay nothing at all whether your case is successful or not.

Is there a time limit?

Yes. In cases involving auto accidents, usually three years.  For all others, usually two years.  However, there are exceptions so now is the best time to act.

What are the exceptions?

In high risk or complex cases we may agree with you from the outset that a success fee of up to 25% may be charged. This will not be payable if your claim is unsuccessful.

Will I have to go to court?

Probably not. Most cases settle. We often need to issue court proceeding to move matters along but it is rare for a case to go all the way to trial.



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